
There is a direct link between attendance and a student’s engagement, and therefore academic achievement at school

Why is attendance important?

  • Attendance has a direct link to achievement and progress – being at school means students fully access all the learning in their subjects.

  • Confidence – gaps in learning, even of just one day, can affect confidence in learning moving forward.

  • Friendships and community - being at school gives students chance to build relationships and to belong.

  • Personal development - being at school develops students’ character, social skills and emotional wellbeing.

  • Fun - students access experiences that they enjoy and are interested in.

  • Habits for later life – it is important that students get used to expectations for working life.

What can parents/carers do?

  • Work with your child to develop good evening, sleeping and morning routines.
  • Explain to your child the importance of high attendance.
  • Work with your child’s coach to support them.
  • Arrange medical appointments outside of school hours.
  • Do not book holidays during term time – these cannot be authorised.

What can students do?

  • Go to bed in good time so you are not feeling too tired.

  • When you are at school, engage in your learning so you can feel confident.
  • When you are at school, take part in enrichment opportunities.
  • Speak to a trusted adult about reasons why you might not want to come to school.

What can school do?

  • The child’s coach will talk about the importance of high attendance and praise this in Coaching.

  • Provide high quality learning experiences, a sense of community and make students feel valued.
  • The child’s coach or Year Manager will meet with families to work together to support improvement in attendance.

If you require any support around attendance for your child, please contact your child’s coach, Year Manager or our student attendance officer Miss Derrick on