The uniform plays a crucial role in our continued efforts to set high expectations

Purchasing uniform
We want students to wear their uniform with pride both in school and within the community.
We ask that specialist uniform items are purchased from the school stockists, APC Clothing of Tadcaster, Kool Kidz of Wetherby and Uniwears. Please visit the websites for further information.
Specialist items are indicated on the lists below. If not indicated as a specialist item, then a non-branded/generic item is allowed.
Uniform requirements
Students whose ears have been pierced may wear one pair of plain studs. No facial piercings are allowed and no more than two rings. A watch is recommended. Wetherby High School accepts no responsibility for the loss of any items of clothing or jewellery that students bring to school.
Students are required to have the following equipment with them each day to prepare for their learning. The items with an * can be bought from student reception.
- Pencil case*, blue/black pen*, green pen*, white board pen*, pencil*, pencil sharpener, ruler, rubber, calculator.