The power of reading and literacy is unlocking children’s understanding to a world of ideas

Our approach to literacy does not just focus on struggling readers and writers.

We aim to equip all children with the ability to read, write and speak at a high academic level. To achieve this, we have a consistent approach across all subjects to teach academic vocabulary, to teach how to present powerful written communication, to give the opportunity to discuss academic ideas and read a range of texts.

Our universal provision focuses on:

Visual Learning Journeys focusing on specialist vocabulary

Deconstructing high level examples of written work – WAGOLLs

Writing with children – modelling

Learning modes for collaborative and whole class discussions

A school wide approach to reading texts to support all children

Some children, for a variety of reasons, can struggle to communicate their ideas and understand concepts through reading. To support these students, we have targeted sessions for small groups or individuals, understanding that it is difficult for children to access learning if reading, speaking or writing is a barrier. Our targeted provision is aimed at those who have been assessed as having a literacy need or those who are struggling to make the progress we would expect in lessons.

Our wish to develop children’s communication skills is continued across school, through Coaching and our Life Learning programme. As Coaching is in small groups, the importance of discussion is key. We also read together from The Coaching Chronicle and celebrate students who speak and appear on Wetherby High TV. The ‘live’ libraries are in every Coaching base and students are encouraged to borrow books to read for pleasure.

Supporting students to communicate well is supporting students for life.