Online Learning

Online learning is our term for what you may traditionally refer to as ‘homework’.

Why the need for Online Learning at home?

Online Learning provides students with the opportunity to continue their studies at home. It is an important life skill for students to be able to manage their own time and develop their ability to work independently. Students will be able to access Online Learning that cements their understanding of key concepts and helps them to prepare effectively for future assessments. Students will be set work that further develops their reading skills and widens and deepens their understanding of subjects.

What will Online Learning look like?

In most cases, Online Learning for Years 7-10 will be set by teachers once a half term. Online Learning for Year 11 will be set weekly by subject teachers. Subject specific guidance about the frequency of this work, and the expectations of students, can be found below. Students will usually be provided with an online video tutorial of a skill or key piece of content they are learning to watch, followed by an activity to complete supported by WAGOLLS (what a good one looks like). Students will be provided with the task and resources on Epraise. They will be able to submit work through Epraise, either having completed the work electronically or by taking a photo on their phone and submitting it.

How can my child access this work?

Online Learning can be accessed via either the Epraise website or the Epraise mobile app. Students have been shown by their teachers how to access the website and where to locate their learning in each subject. Students can access Epraise using their phones, tablets, laptops or home PCs. Work can be completed using Microsoft Word or any other word processing app, or work can be printed off at home for students to complete on paper and then they can submit an image of their work using their phones. As a parent, you will also be able to use the Epraise app to track your child’s work and to see when they have submitted it.

How can I help my child with their Online Learning?

It is important that students feel supported at home to complete this work. Please encourage your child to complete the work by reminding them of deadlines (usually the final week of a half term), asking to read the work they have completed (you can read their work on Epraise via the mobile app), and asking them to explain the work to you. Please also remind your child of the value of this work; completing independent work at home will help students to make progress in their lessons and work towards those higher grades. User guides for parents can be found on our Parent Information page to support you if you have any questions.

Specific subject details