Our Coaching Programme is fundamental to ‘knowing our children well’ and in forming the strong relationships that are crucial for our school community

What is Coaching?
When students arrive on a Monday morning, their first period is spent with their Coaching group. This is called a ‘check-in’ session. This circle-based session allows all pupils to be fully informed of key events and opportunities happening in school, through the sharing of either the Coaching Chronicle or WHTV. Students also share updates from their weekends.
On Wednesday afternoons, Coaching is used to explore PSHCE topics such as careers; finance; health and wellbeing; citizenship and topical events. This is also an opportunity for a ‘check-up’ in the middle of the week. Coaches can learn from one another, sharing knowledge and experiences.
On a Friday, Coaching groups will meet for their last period of the day. This is a time for pupils to discuss their achievements from the week and review current targets, ensuring they are best aligned to make the most of formal and enriched learning opportunities. The Friday Coaching session is also a chance for a ‘community builder’ – pupils can have fun whilst developing relationships within the group.

What is Coaching?
When students arrive on a Monday morning, their first period is spent with their Coaching group. This is called a ‘check-in’ session. This circle-based session allows all pupils to be fully informed of key events and opportunities happening in school, through the sharing of either the Coaching Chronicle or WHTV. Students also share updates from their weekends.
On Wednesday afternoons, Coaching is used to explore PSHCE topics such as careers; finance; health and wellbeing; citizenship and topical events. This is also an opportunity for a ‘check-up’ in the middle of the week. Coaches can learn from one another, sharing knowledge and experiences.
On a Friday, Coaching groups will meet for their last period of the day. This is a time for pupils to discuss their achievements from the week and review current targets, ensuring they are best aligned to make the most of formal and enriched learning opportunities. The Friday Coaching session is also a chance for a ‘community builder’ – pupils can have fun whilst developing relationships within the group.
Coach contact
The ‘coach’ – the member of staff in each Coaching group – ensures every student has a ‘partner in learning’ to provide ongoing care and encouragement. As a regular point of contact, coaches offer one-to-one support about concerns or achievements.
As well as being the main point of contact for a student, they are also there to support the parent/carer. Coaches develop strong relationships with students’ families, and meet with parents/carers three times a year at ‘Meet Your Coach’ days. These days (which are in addition to the traditional parents/carers evenings with teaching staff) have proved to be very popular with families, who recognise the benefit of knowing someone well in school who can advocate for their child.

“The school is relentless in its pursuit to build meaningful relationships.”
Ofsted 2024

House system
Each Coaching group includes students and a member of staff from the same House. This ensures a community feel during Coaching and allows Coaching groups to take part in House challenges together.
The House system at Wetherby High School is an important part of who we are and an example of what makes us different.
Named after local sporting heroes, (Jason) Robinson, (Jane) Tomlinson, (Fred) Trueman and (Billy) Bremner, each House has a specific colour that students wear as a tie. This means that wherever students are in school, they know and recognise that they are part of a team.
All Houses choose an annual charity and fundraising activities take place that will benefit the important work they do. The House system also encourages healthy competition across school. Competitions range from sporting events to cooking, talent shows and individual subject contests. Students earn House points for taking part in these and for representing our school at external events and demonstrating positive character within lessons.
These House points contribute to the end of year awards, where the annual House trophy is presented to the House with the most House points.

House System
Each Coaching group includes students and a member of staff from the same House. This ensures a community feel during Coaching and allows Coaching groups to take part in House challenges together.
The House system at Wetherby High School is an important part of who we are and an example of what makes us different.
Named after local sporting heroes, (Jason) Robinson, (Jane) Tomlinson, (Fred) Trueman and (Billy) Bremner, each House has a specific colour that students wear as a tie. This means that wherever students are in school, they know and recognise that they are part of a team.
All Houses choose an annual charity and fundraising activities take place that will benefit the important work they do. The House system also encourages healthy competition across school. Competitions range from sporting events to cooking, talent shows and individual subject contests. Students earn House points for taking part in these and for representing our school at external events and demonstrating positive character within lessons.
These House points contribute to the end of year awards, where the annual House trophy is presented to the House with the most House points.