The normal school day starts at 9.00am on Monday and 8.40am (Tuesday-Friday).

Please ensure your child is punctual. We do not allow students to leave the school site between 8.40am and the end of school at 3.20pm (2:20pm on Friday), and staff ensure that student movement between lessons happens quickly and effectively. We therefore have very few occasions of absence from lessons once a student is on site.

Flexible Learning is available from 3.20pm and a wide range of enrichment opportunities are available for all students.

Attendance and punctuality are monitored electronically. Absence from any sessions must be communicated to the school before 8.30am each day and a letter confirming the absence will be required.

Should attendance drop below 90% the school will refer the child and family to an Attendance Improvement Officer who may offer support in order to avoid court proceedings. If attendance does not improve, further action may be taken.

We are unable to authorise requests for holidays during term time unless under exceptional circumstances.

Students follow this timetable: