We believe that transition to high school should be an exciting time for children.

At Wetherby High School we work really hard to make the process smooth and enjoyable. The transition starts months before students join us in September.

Our coaching programme, which consists of a group of around 11 students from across the year groups with a dedicated member of staff, called the Coach, allows students to build strong relationships quickly and have their own school family. Coaching groups meet 3 times a week for an extended period of time on a Monday, a Wednesday and a Friday. Coachees also know they can seek out the support of their Coach at any time during the week. This means Coaches can move beyond supporting your child with the basics of equipment to more important elements of providing students with the social and emotional support they need to settle in and develop as young people.

We undertake an extensive transition programme during the summer term. Our Year Manager for Year 7 visits each child at their primary school to introduce themselves, share information about WHS and to learn about each child from their teacher.

Children also have up to 5 opportunities to visit WHS during the summer term, including a 4-day summer holiday transition club. When at WHS, the children meet their Coach and other key adults that will support them in their transition. As a parent/carer, you will also meet your child’s Coach in the summer term to begin to build a relationship between home and school before they start with us.

The relationship between home and school is fundamental to your child’s success. Your child’s Coach is your first port of call for any support needed and they are available throughout the week through phone calls and emails. There are also three Meet Your Coach Days across the school year, where you can meet in person. This is in addition to the usual Parent/Carers Evening.

Our relationship led approach means we prioritise building relationships between staff and students and between students. These relationships are crucial for supporting students with the transition to WHS. We are a close-knit school community where each child can be known and valued for what they contribute to the community.

If you have missed our open evening and would like more information, or to visit the school, please contact
school on 01937 522500.

Our Prospectus

Our prospectus highlights the restorative and inclusive way that we work. We welcome you take a read through this booklet and learn more about our school.

Flexible Learning

We offer a range of clubs and activities for students to take part in during lunchtime and after school. These Flexible Learning clubs give students the opportunity to try a new skill whilst making friends.

Flexible Learning also encompasses academic intervention during time away from school, ensuring students have many chances to pursue what they enjoy and what they need to achieve. Please click the image to see our full programme.

Coaching and the House system

The Coaching Programme at Wetherby High School is fundamental to ‘knowing our children well’ and in forming the strong relationships that are crucial for our school community.

Our Coaching groups are have approximately ten students (Coachees) and one member of staff (Coach). The groups are ‘vertical’ meaning they consist of Coachees from all Year 7 to Year 11.

Each Coaching group includes students and a member of staff from the same House.
Click here to read more about our Coaching groups and House system.

Life Learning

We are aware that for some children it presents a challenge to stay after school to attend clubs. We therefore have a dedicated timetabled Endeavour session each week where every child attends an enrichment activity of their choice. The list of activities for children to choose from is extensive. Please click here to see the programme of activities.

We are also committed to every student having access to wider enrichment experiences. We provide a range of experiences during a student’s time with us that include residential trips, attending theatre, musical and sporting events, trips to museums and the beach and careers trips such as visits to universities.


We work hard to ensure the subjects we teach match the interests of our students. The broad, balanced curriculum is delivered by specialist teachers who are passionate about their areas of expertise.

Click here to learn more about our curriculum.

Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that starting a new school can bring about questions. Click here to see the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.