
We are committed to strong careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to support every child in being successful

Careers support

At Wetherby High school, we recognise the importance of a quality careers education which inspires students to set themselves aspirational goals. It is central to providing students with opportunities to develop their character, confidence and competence and therefore be successful in reaching these goals.

The pathways through education and into employment are varied and complex; it is vital students get the support they need to make informed choices about their post 16 destinations.

Aims and objectives of our careers provision

  • Encourage pupils to be ambitious, broaden their horizons and explore their own career aspirations throughout their life at school
  • Ensure students’ readiness to take their next step in their learning or career
  • Work with and alongside students to develop their pathways
  • Work restoratively with our students to address misconceptions and stereotypes

Our careers programme

Our careers programme is carefully planned to ensure that it provides breath of experiences at KS3 to allow students to explore the labour market and their own interests. At KS4 it focuses on supporting students in planning for their future.

For further information regarding careers at Wetherby High School, please contact our Careers Lead, Mrs J McCartney, on 01937 522500 (main reception) or

External providers

A range of external providers are invited into school to support the careers programme. These include local colleges, universities, training providers, apprenticeship organisations, employers, school alumni, or staff from various projects.

Parent/Carer support

Below you will find information that will support you in conversations with your child when they are making decisions about post 16 destinations.