Key Stage 4 Results 2023

Wetherby High School has seen record results this year, with children at the school exceeding ambitious targets and figures significantly above national average.

Attainment based on August 2023 GCSE Results

% of students attaining 5 or more in English

Progress 8 based on August 2023 GCSE Results


Progress 8

Overall Progress 8 + 0.20
Progress 8 Maths + 0.27
Progress 8 English + 0.35

Performance Data

EBacc average points score 4.69

Percentage of students that enter the EBacc 89%


Attainment 8 Score 48.7


Percentage of students staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 89%


Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

At our inspection in 2019, Ofsted recognised the significant improvements made at Wetherby in recent years, grading the school Good with Outstanding features.

The school, its students, staff and governors have been on a journey of rapid improvement with the Ofsted judgement further endorsement of our transformation.

Read full report here

We know the Ofsted report is part of the journey, not the end, and are determined to continue to improve our offer and outcomes for all our students.
You can also visit the Ofsted website here and parents/carers can give their views to Ofsted via ParentView. 


Here’s a selection of some of the inspectors’ comments:

Pupils are courteous, friendly and routinely regulate their own behaviour. Pupils have very high expectations of each other’s behaviour.

The culture and ethos of the school is very supportive to pupils and staff alike. The school’s impressive coaching model and personal development curriculum is highly regarded by pupils and families and supports the school in being a strong and caring community where pupils accept each other’s differences and celebrate diversity.

Pupils feel, and are, safe in the school. They know who to turn to if they are worried about themselves or their friends.

Staff create a very positive atmosphere for learning through their passion for their subjects and the caring relationships they share with their pupils.

The pastoral support provided by the school is a clear strength. Leaders have created a truly inclusive school where every pupil is valued and cared for. Pupils and staff are unanimous in their praise for the help, support and guidance they receive when they need it. Parents agree that the school is a safe place for their children.

The behaviour of pupils is outstanding.

Pupils behave extremely well in classrooms and when moving around the school. They are committed to their learning and want to do their very best. They work well together and show the highest level of respect towards each other and towards members of staff.

Pupils are immensely proud of their school.

Current pupils make good progress across a range of subjects. This is because they experience appropriate levels of challenge from teachers.