We work hard to ensure the subjects we teach match the interests of our students. The broad, balanced curriculum is delivered by specialist teachers who are passionate about their areas of expertise.

The curriculum from Year 7 to Year 11 provides students with the breadth and depth needed for them to make strong progress. We are committed to a personalised approach to learning that builds relationships and character giving students the best opportunities in future learning and employment.

View our Curriculum Intent
Teaching in a Restorative Classroom

The Learning Line

At Wetherby High School, we have developed an approach to learning that enables us to ‘teach to the top’ and therefore stretch and challenge all students to reach their own best standard. The learning line, running through all lessons, means students understand how best to learn and develop good learning habits.

Read More About Learning line

If any parents/carers or members of the public to have more information about the curriculum we offer, please contact Miss M Derrick when phoning 01937 522500 (via Option 3).

Epraise Homework Guide
onedrive/powerpoint guide


Progress Reports

Teaching staff undertake continual assessment of students’ progress in lessons to ensure the learning is pitched to present consistently high challenge. This continual assessment of progress is then captured through Progress Reports each half term. As part of our commitment to being partners in learning, this report is discussed by each child and their coach to set targets together for the following half term. The content of the report also forms the basis for conversations between the coach and parents/carers. Progress is also rewarded at the end of each term, with assemblies celebrating success. Certificates are presented to students demonstrating outstanding Character for Achievement attributes such resilience, independence, motivation and empathy.

Further information can be found here.


Twice each year, students in years 7, 8 and 9 will receive an assessment report, following midterm and final examinations. These detailed reports highlight strengths and areas for improvement in each subject.

Further information can be found here.

Personal Development and Wellbeing

Personal development at Wetherby High School is focused on developing every students character, confidence and competence to be successful in life at school and beyond